Insurance Agency WordPress Theme

  • Agent Settings

  • Option Settings

    Set the number of posts to show per page and add Latitude, Longitude of Google map here

    Create Agent

    You can create an agent similar to when creating a post. However, it will include additional information such as the operating hours of the agent, location, and the services available at that agent.

    Information of agent

  • Child Theme

  • What is a Child Theme?

    insurtech comes with a Child Theme.
    Simply install like a regular WordPress theme.

    A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the best, safest, and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.

    Why use a Child Theme?

    There are a few reasons why you would want to use a child theme:

    • - If you modify a theme directly and it is updated, then your modifications may be lost. By using a child theme you will ensure that your modifications are preserved.
    • - Using a child theme can speed up development time.
    • - Using a child theme is a great way to learn about WordPress theme development.
    How to Create a Child Theme

    Child Themes - Codex
    You can watch this video to know the way create a Child Theme.

    You need to use a Child Theme only if you are making code customizations.

  • Theme Update

  • Theme Update via WordPress

    Updating the theme via WordPress is very similar to the install process via WordPress.
    Follow the steps below to update your theme via WordPress:

    Step 1 - Log into your WordPress Dashboard.

    Step 2 - Go to Appearance > Themes.

    Step 3 - Deactivate the Insurtech theme by simply activating a different theme. Once you activate a different theme, you can delete the Insurtech theme.

    Step 4 - Delete the Insurtech theme. Do not worry, your content will not be lost!

    Step 5 - Then simply upload the new “” file in the Appearance > Themes section. Click on the Install Themes tab at the top and choose to upload the zip file. You have this step explained in section: Theme Installation via WordPress.

    Theme Update via FTP

    Updating the theme via FTP is very similar to the install process via FTP.
    Follow the steps below to update your theme via FTP:

    Step 1 - Go to ../wp-content > themes location on your server using a FTP client and backup your "insurtech " theme folder by saving it to your computer, or you can choose to simply delete it. Your content will not be lost.

    Step 2 - Download the new version of Insurtech theme from your Themeforest and retrieve Insurtech folder by unpacking the zip that you download from Themeforest and insurtech_(version.number).zip.

    Step 3 - Then simply drag and drop the new "Insurtech " theme folder into ../wp-content > themes location. Choose to “Replace” the current one if you did not delete it.

    Step 4 - Log into your WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance > Themes and activate the new Insurtech theme.

  • FAQs

  • My site loads slow, How can I speed it up?

    There are several things you can do to speed up your website. First thing you need to turn off the Less Option in Theme Setting after you changed any thing on theme setting and after you import the demo data. Consider adding a caching plugin to WordPress. We use and recommend W3 Total Cache. Another thing you can do is use a Content Delivery Network provider. We use and recommend MaxCDN (See our infographic about What is a CDN and Why you need it). You should also consider using a better web hosting provider. Shared hosts are usually slower. If you are receiving a lot of traffic, then you should consider moving to a VPS or a Dedicated server. Last but not least, check out our presentation about Maximizing Performance and Speeding up WordPress.

    Can I register my domain name at one company and host the site with another?

    Yes, all you need to do is point the domain name to the hosting account.

    What is the maximum number or plugins I can install on my WordPress website?

    There is no limit to the number of plugins you can install. However, too many plugins or even a few poorly coded plugins can slow your site down immensely, so it is important to install plugins correctly.

    I am locked out of wp-admin, and my website shows a blank white screen

    This most likely happens when you paste a code from a website with wrong formats. Sometimes the formatting error is done on the website where the code is available however most of the time, this error happens because you pasted the code on the wrong location. Unfortunately, you will not be able to make the edits using your wp-admin section. You will have to use FTP to login to your web host and modify your theme’s file.

    Consider following our Beginner’s Guide to Pasting Code from the Web into WordPress.

    How can I install Google Analytics in WordPress?

    We have written an extensive article on How to Install and Setup Google Analytics in WordPress. It is important to mention that you will NOT be able to install Google Analytics in your blog. They provide a built-in feature called Stats.

    How do I Embed Videos Within My WordPress Posts?

    Embedding videos can add quite a bit of value to your blog and your content. Whether you want to use your own videos or just any video from YouTube or another video hosting site, you need to know how to embed videos within your posts.

    The process is very simple and you can just post the URL for the video within the post. Make sure to put it where you would like it to show up. For more information about embedding videos in WordPress, check out our post about The Easiest Way to Embed Videos in WordPress.

    Is it Possible to Install WordPress on my PC?

    Installing a copy of WordPress on your PC is possible. You can do this fairly easily, but you will need the right tools. Another thing to keep in mind, when you install WordPress on your PC, nobody will be able to see your website until you publish it with your own hosting account.

    You can find out how to install WordPress on your PC without post called, A Quick Guide to Installing WordPress with WAMP on your Windows Computer.

    500 Internal Server Error

    Please take a look at this Article

    PHP memory limits set too low, There two ways to solve this problem.
    • You can either get your web host to increase your PHP limits.
    • You can upload your theme via an FTP client. We offer a video tutorial located in the Video section of the forum that explains how to use FTP to install your theme.
    Conflicting Third Party Plugins Should Be Deactivated
    • If you can access the admin area of your site, login to your admin section and deactivate all plugins. After doing so, check your front end page again. If it loads without error, you have a plugin conflict. Now, start activating each plugin one by one. When you see the 500 error again on the front end pages, you will know that the last plugin you activated is the likely culprit. Deactivate it and continue checking all remaining plugins one by one to make sure there are no others.
    • If you are getting the 500 error on the front end and the back end admin area, then you will need to access your site via an FTP client. A little known trick is to change the name of your/wp-content/pluginsfolder to something else temporarily like “plugins.bak.” This will make WordPress ignore your plugins. Then check to see if this resolves the problem. If it does, log into your admin section and then change your plugin.bak folder back to plugins . Then deactivate all of your plugins via your admin page.

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    • memory_limit 128M
    • post_max_size 32M
    • upload_max_filesize 32M
    • max_execution_time 500

    You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin found here. If you still cannot resolve the 500 error, talk with your web hosting support.

    Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.

    If you are installing your theme from the WordPress theme installer, but get a message that says "Are you sure you want to do this? ", most likely your web server is configured with low PHP settings that only allow a certain size ZIP file to be uploaded via WP admin.

    Most hosting companies configure their servers to only have the maximum file upload size limit at 8-10 MB, some are less. The Insurtech theme ZIP is currently about 34 MB in size which is due to the included plugins and all the demo content. So if you get this error, your web server is rejecting the upload due to the overall size of the file. WordPress is unfortunately giving you a rather ambiguous message in response. This is not a theme issue or bug.

    There two ways to solve this problem.

    • You can get your web host to increase your PHP limits so a larger zip file is allowed to be uploaded. They will know which limits to set if you explain the issue.
    • You can upload your theme via FTP. View our video tutorial in the Video section of the forum to learn how to install your theme via FTP. It is very easy and efficient.

    Recommended PHP configureuration limits are as follows:

    memory_limit 128M

    post_max_size 32M

    upload_max_filesize 32M

    max_execution_time 500
